Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia) - Lines with Obscure or Sparse passenger services
This list is based on the timetable in force from 15 December 2024. Although the timetable is shown as valid until 14 June 2025, most long-distance services are shown as operating only for a couple of months. Such trains are not indicated by note 'D' (for a service only running on certain dates), because it is a reasonable expectation that their period of operation will be extended or a similar service is provided instead. It is assumed that the timetable will continue to be updated and reissued regularly, as has been the case since summer 2020. Users are recommended to check the Trenitalia website to ensure they are using the latest version of the timetable.
Table numbers quoted here are from In Treno Tutt'Italia, the official Trenitalia timetable. Standard abbreviations are explained here.
Map references for each route entry are given in parentheses ( ). References prefixed "ERA-E" refer to the European Railway Atlas (All-Europe Edition) by M.G. Ball. References prefixed "ERA-R" refer to the European Railway Atlas (Regional Series: Book 2) by M.G. Ball. References prefixed "S+W", or in italic, refer to Atlante ferroviaro d'Italia e Slovenia by Schweers + Wall.
Two useful symbols exist which show the booked route for trains not calling at a station: in the middle of the train column, a vertical bar "|" means that the train passes through the station without stopping, whereas a middle dot "·" means that the train does not pass through that station but instead takes a different route.
Obscure services
Tarvisio Boscoverde – Arnoldstein [AT]
[D, 15, ÖBB 600] (ERA-R 154C4; S+W 12B1) IT25/41
The service across the border between Tarvisio Boscoverde and Arnoldstein appears even more sparse in In Treno than it really is. Overnight trains appear in table D and a few day trains in table 15. The ÖBB RJ trains to and from Venezia are not included at all, those two train pairs can be found in ÖBB table 600, together with the other services.
Routes used occasionally for diversions
International trains via Tarvisio are sometimes diverted between Tricesimo-San Pelagio and Venezia, but more than one alternative route is available. Such diversions are normally confined to overnight trains. Some diversions, but not the particular route, can be checked by looking at the northbound part of table 55 of In Treno, which shows Bologna to Venezia, with connections to Udine and Trieste. Look for trains passing through Portogruaro-Caorle, but not Udine. Udine and Trieste connections are not shown in the southbound part of the table, but it may be the case that southbound trains are diverted on the same nights as northbound ones.
Udine Cintura
(ERA-E 82B3; ERA-R 154B3; S+W 140D1, but not as shown) IT25/42
This line branches off the line from Tarvisio at Posto di Movimento Vat and passes to the east of Udine. To the south there are connections to the Trieste and Cervignano lines and a connection towards Udine passenger station via the line from Trieste. Note that the single line to Bivio Cargnacco runs a considerable distance parallel with that to Udine Parco, but there is no longer a connection between the two at the former Bivio Cividale.
Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

Tricesimo-S. Pelagio (P.M. Vat) – Udine Parco Deviatoio Laipacco – Risano (Bivio Cargnacco)
This route links the Tarvisio and Cervignano lines and may be used by overnight trains when not routed via Udine passenger station, in that case they also use route IT25/44 at Cervignano. However, they are more likely to run via route IT25/42B.
Tricesimo-S. Pelagio (P.M. Vat) – Udine Parco Deviatoio Laipacco – Buttrio (Udine Parco Deviatoio Pradamano)
This route links the Tarvisio and Trieste lines and may be used by overnight trains when not routed via Udine passenger station, in that case they also use route IT25/43 at Ronchi dei Legionari.
Tricesimo-S. Pelagio (P.M. Vat) – Udine Parco – Udine
This route enables trains between Udine and the Tarvisio line to arrive and depart Udine via the Trieste line and is sometimes used by local trains, adding about five minutes to the normal journey time. Some of these departures are from Udine Platform 1, which could suggest use of the normal and not the obscure route, in this case it is useful to check the number below the signal aspect which will indicate what route is to be taken. As routes are always numbered from left to right, in the case of departures from the east end of Udine station a 1 means the direct route, 2 is for Cividale and 3 towards Trieste leading to the obscure route.
The following trains were scheduled via this route in 2024.
SuX | R16613 | Carnia – 08:48 Tricesimo-S Pelagio – Udine | |
SuX | R16622/16626 | Trieste Centrale – 13:35 Udine – Tarvisio Boscoverde | |
SSuX | R16628 | Trieste Centrale – 14:35 Udine – Carnia | |
SSuX | R16640 | Trieste Centrale – 18:00 Udine – Tarvisio Boscoverde | |
SSuX | R16644 | Trieste Centrale – 18:58 Udine – Tarvisio Boscoverde |
Monfalcone avoiding line: Ronchi dei Legionari Nord – Trieste Airport (Ronchi dei Legionari Sud)
(ERA-E 82B4; ERA-R 154C2; S+W 27B2) IT25/43
This route enables trains to run between the Gorizia and Venezia lines without reversing at Monfalcone.
Cervignano-Aquileia-Grado avoiding line: Strassoldo – Torviscosa
(ERA-E 82B4; ERA-R 154C2; S+W 140B2) IT25/44
This north to west curve enables trains between Udine and Venezia via Palmanova to avoid reversal at Cervignano-Acquileia-Grado. Trains via Tarvisio that have been diverted may run via this route whether via Udine passenger station or the Cintura.
[Villa Opicina –] Aurisina – Bivio d'Aurisina [– Monfalcone]
(ERA-E 82B4; ERA-R 154C2; S+W 27B2) IT25/45
Exceptionally, overnight trains between Wien Hbf and Venezia Mestre were diverted via Slovenia, Villa Opicina and this curve between 30 June and 30 July 2022, because the Tarvisio line was closed for engineering work.