
Revision as of 12:30, 13 August 2024 by Paul Steane (talk | contribs) (Other Links: "La Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles" link amended.)
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This page provides some links found useful by the compilers of the Guide. No responsibility is accepted for information provided on these web sites. There are many sites specialising in railway-related links, some of these are included. Some of the items duplicate links in the main body of the Guide.

Enthusiast Societies

Interessengemeinschaft zur Bereisung von Straßenbahn und Eisenbahnstrecken e.V. (IBSE) is a German railway enthusiast group which operates special trains and has a monthly newsletter "IBSE - Telegramm".

Timetable Information

DB Travel Service - includes train service details for much of Europe.

CIS railway timetable information.

See also The European Railway Server.

For downloadable versions of public timetables see the Timetable section of each country's General Information page.

Fahrplan on line is a very useful starting point to find timetables (rail and other forms of public transport) throughout the world.


International Union of Railways.

Signalling and Track

An English language description of German railway signalling.

Signalling in Italy, also Slovenia.

Railway signalling in France (if a message about Cookies appears, go to then select "Réel" then "L'Environnement - Signalisation Ferroviaire").

Links to metro track map web sites.

On-line track plans of Dutch Railways, also including parts of Germany, Austria, Switzerland.

Official maps and diagrams of the French rail network.

Railroad Gauge Width Literature - a list of railway gauges used or being used worldwide.

Detailed distances for the Vienna area S-Bahn services. U-Bahn, tram and bus distances are also available using the other links on the same page.

Metros and Trams

The UrbanRail.Net website holds diagrammatic maps and descriptions of the world’s metro and tram systems.

The Light Rail Transit Association website has "a complete listing of Light Rail, Light Railway, Tramway & Metro systems throughout the World".

The Blickpunkt Straßenbahn website contains listings for tramways, metros etc. throughout the world (mostly German language).

The site has track maps of tramway, light rail and subway networks for Germany and many other European countries.

The Mapa-Metro Site has information, including system diagrams, for metros in Europe and the rest of the world. However, the site does not seem to have been updated since 2010.

Some metro track maps for Russia, and former satellites, are available at Popov Metro maps captioned in Cyrillic.

The Monorail Society website has details of Monorails and Schwebebahnen in Europe and elsewhere.

Heritage and Minor Railways

UK Heritage Railways.

FACS gives details of many French minor railways and the limited number of special trains in France.

The official website of the Children's Railway near Budapest in Hungary.


Archive of railway information for Germany (German language).

Other Links

The European Railway Server - links to virtually every railway site in Europe, including timetable information.

Bruse's Funiculars - funicular railways around the world - pictures, articles, maps, technical descriptions and much more.

RailServe: The Internet Railroad Directory - over 9,000 rail-related links. - over 5,000 rail-related links. - links to official (and some non-official) European and other world-wide railway sites.

National Model Railroad Association's Directory of World Wide Rail Sites.

International Railway Links from

Useful info and links for Spain at the La Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles site.

The Thorsten Büker Railways through Europe website had an interesting series of articles on Electrification Systems, Border Crossings and maps of some European countries and cities; that site is now defunct, though an archive copy can be found at the Web Archive site. The majority of the maps have been transferred to the Railroad Maps website.