Border Crossings: Slovakia - Ukraine
Note that there is a one hour time difference between Slovakia and Ukraine. Users should check whether or not Ukraine is using Daylight Saving Time.
(Veľké Kapušany -) Maťovce ŽSR - Pavlovo UZ (- Uzhorod)
[E] The route across the border was separate dual gauge 1435/1520mm tracks but the 1435mm gauge tracks have been out of use since at least 2003 and are now partially lifted or unusable in the Ukraine. There is no passenger service across the border and the majority of traffic is 1520mm gauge freight to the VSŽ (now U.S. Steel) Steelworks near Košice, though there are substantial gauge-changing and transfer facilities in the Maťovce area.
(Košice -) Čierna nad Tisou ŽSR - Chop UZ
[E] This route and the station area at Chop are dual gauge 1435/1520mm. Passenger services are 1435mm gauge, operated by ŽSR with two train pairs daily to Chop in the 2018-19 timetable with two additional through standard gauge Košice to Mukachevo in Ukraine services commencing from 9 June 2019. Any through services further into Ukraine involve carriages being gauge changed via a shunt out of and into the east end of Chop station. Freight traffic uses the 1520mm gauge tracks to and from the gauge-changing and transfer facilities in the Čierna nad Tisou area. There is 1435mm gauge freight traffic from Čierna nad Tisou via Chop to both Mukachevo in Ukraine and Halmeu in Romania.