Slovakia - Tram services over obscure routes

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Some tram systems advertise their depot workings and enable one to ascertain the regular use by passenger-carrying services of junctions or sections of line that do not otherwise see public service. This occasional series lists such services that have come to notice. While the data for each system is current at the date stated, it is not the intention to endeavour to keep every entry up to date at every service change - the listing serves as a guide for travellers as to the sort of services they can look out for, enabling them to check current published timetable material at their time of travel.

To assist in tracing services, the route and/or timetable number for each journey is shown in parentheses, e.g. (1). Days of operation are in English notation (respectively: Su, M, T, W, Th, F, S) - plus "O" for only, "X" for excepted. Su (Sundays) usually includes public holidays in mainland Europe - but check locally.

Listings for other systems throughout the world - in the same format as shown below (please include date of timetable validity) - will always be welcomed.


As at August 2022 Timetables here IMHD 1 November 2020 Route map.

Blumentál to Úrad vlády SR

  • the east to north curve is only used by route 7 to/from Bratislava Hl s between 05.28 - 09.13 and 13.53 - 17.55 Mondays to Fridays

Račianske mýto and East to South curve to Vazovova

  • Route 3 SSuX Depot workings from Komisárky to Depo Jurajov are shown in the on line timetable dated 5.9.2022 with departures from Račianske mýto at 09.10, 09:28, 10:28, 19:26, 19:41, 21:25 & 22:45 SSuX, 21:15 & 22:45 SSuO. Note times differ on non-school days.

Americké námesti route 4 stop and west to north curve towards Vazovova/Blumentál

  • Historic route A, running hourly from Jesenského from 10:20 to 17:20 SSuO from 2 July - 25 September 2022.

Tram Tunnel west end

  • Chatan Sófer north to east. Only use in 2022 is by Historic route A, running hourly from Jesenského from 10:20 to 17:20 SSuO from 2 July - 25 September 2022. Had been in use in June 2012 by diverted route 1.


  • As at July 2020 there are journeys using rare curves on routes prefixed R2 & R8 to/from the US Steel Works for three times a day shift changes, plus the R6 is the only route scheduled to run in service to a stop in Bardejovská at the DPMK Depot entrance. Other tram routes may also use this 350m section and both curves of the approach triangle but any timings are not known. Additionally the R7 is the only route to terminate at the Amfiteáter loop.
  • A Tourist horse tram may operate along a closed and unelectrified 1km section of the pedestrianised Hlavna in the city centre

Full details are on the DPMK website.

See also