Border Crossings: Belarus - Poland

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Note that there is either a one hour or two hour time difference between Belarus and Poland because Belarus does not use Daylight Saving Time.

(Vaŭkavysk -) Bierastavica/Berestovitsa (Бераставіца/Берестовица) BČ - Zubki Białostockie PKP (- Białystok)

[D] Line closed. Broad and standard gauges crossed the border on one interlaced track. The bazakolejowa website states the cross border passenger service ended in 1944, with freight continuing but ceased and the line immediately decommissioned in early June 1993. PKP PLK cleared vegetation etc to the border in 2023 claiming this was to limit the deterioration of the line, also stating in the last decade there have been no investments and are not planning to do any in the near future. Relevant Press article with August 2010 picture of the Border here. The internal PKP passenger service to Zubki Białostockie 4km short of the border ended on 3 April 2000.

Brest BČ - Terespol PKP

There are two routes crossing the border as identified below. As at December 2020 there are plans to build a third bridge over the River Border [which is assumed will be parallel to one already existing]. The Polish Ministry of Infrastructure is believed to be negotiating a Polish-Belarusian construction agreement to be financed from EU funds for investments in a non-EU country.

(Brest Centraĺny -) Brest Paŭnočny/Brest-Severny (Брэст Паўночны/Брест-Северный) BČ - Terespol PKP

[D] Freight only. Both gauges cross the border, but with interlaced track over the single track bridge spanning the river Bug, which forms the border. Standard gauge track extends in a loop via Brest Paŭnočny to Brest Centraĺny station and connecting with the crossing below.

Brest Centraĺny/Brest-Tsentral'ny (Брэст Цэнтральны/Брест-Центральный) BČ - Terespol PKP

[E] Both gauges cross the border, but with interlaced track over the single track bridge spanning the river Bug which forms the border. BČ works all broad gauge freights to the substantial yards at Małaszewicze, west of Terespol. A Polish private operator's diesel locomotives have been observed crossing the border, demonstrating that there are also standard gauge freight facilities in Belarus. Freight traffic across this border had increased significantly in recent years owing to more rail freight from the Far East but for obvious reasons is now much reduced despite investment in transhipment facilities at Małaszewicze to handle up to 40-50 trains per day instead of the previous maximum of 14.

Regarding passenger services, they were suspended due to the pandemic and have not resumed, and there are no plans to do so even for 2023/24. A gauge-changer was installed at Brest Tsentral'ny early in 2015 for use by the Moskva - Berlin Talgo service, which started operation on 17 December 2016. Other services were thought to be worked only by PKP to/from Brest. However, a BČ M62 and coaches formed an afternoon departure from Terespol in November 2014. Later sightings were the morning service to Brest in August 2017 comprising a PKP electric loco hauling BČ coaches, and the same combination for the 07:00 from Brest in June 2019. The 2018-2019 BČ timetable showed local Brest <> Terespol services as operated by BČ.

(Brest -) Vysoka-Litoŭsk/Vysoko-Litovsk (Высока-Літоўск/Высоко-Литовск) BČ - Czeremcha PKP

[D] Press articles confirmed both freight and cross border passenger services were withdrawn at the December 2011 Timetable change and a Polish railtour from Czeremcha to the Border in April 2013 cleared the tracks of snow confirming it was not in use. Previously one through PKP pair of trains to Brest had been replaced in December 2002 by two pairs with a change of trains from PKP to BČ at Vysoka-Litoŭsk because of problems with smugglers, even though the route has 1435mm gauge tracks to Brest.

Belarusian Railway and PKP wanted to reopen this crossing to freight by the fourth quarter of 2019 as an alternative cross border route due to capacity issues at Terespol with increasing container traffic between China and Europe. PKP spent 30 million PLN upgrading their track to the border but the line did not re-open allegedly due to the Customs Authorities refusing to give permission until the installation of a fixed X-ray machine for scanning railway wagons to detect illegal goods, explosives, weapons and voids in containers. Then with the war in Ukraine significantly reducing Terespol traffic levels plus the tense political situation between Belarus and Poland, the Polish Government announced they have no plans to re-open this line.

(Vaŭkavysk -) Svislač/Svisloch' (Свіслач/Свислочь) BČ - Cisowka PKP (- Hajnówka)

[D] Freight Only. Separate parallel Broad and Standard Gauge tracks cross the border, the Kolej Atlas showing Standard Gauge tracks reaching Svislač BČ. The Broad Gauge track separates significantly from the SG west of Siemianówka PKP from approximately km 8.5 towards Transfer yards at Mikłaszewo [km 15.6] and Zabłotczyzna [km 19] with SG connecting lines to both facilities.

Substantial upgrading of the Broad Gauge and Polish installations is underway for completion in the fourth quarter of 2022. A new BG/SG transfer station is planned to be built at Svislač BČ to be opened by 2025 although the current status of the cross border Standard Gauge line is unknown.

(Hrodna -) Bruzhi/Bruzgi (Брузгі/Брузги) BČ - Kuźnica Białostocka PKP (- Sokółka - Geniusze)

[E/D] This route has both 1435 mm (electrified) and 1520 mm (unelectrified) gauge tracks to Grodno. The Cross border BG freight line and facilities in Poland are being upgraded from 2020 as previously it was believed traffic was re-gauged at Kuźnica Białostocka or transferred between wagons at Sokółka. New rails are being laid on cross border BG line 57, plus the plans by 2022 are to reopen the BG 6km further west from Sokółka to Geniusze, [closed around 1992] and BG line 923 just east of Sokółka from Buchałowo Wschod to a transhipment facility at Buchałowo.

PKP PR Kuźnica Białostocka <> Hrodna local trains were discontinued at the December 2015 timetable change as they were to be replaced by PKP IC services between Warszawa and Hrodna. Owing to funding issues these did not commence until 4 September 2016 with a Kraków <> Hrodna portion of the Krakow <> Suwalki train. PKP work these to Hrodna, with it is believed BČ diesels working all BG freight. Passenger services were suspended due to the pandemic and have not resumed, and there are no plans to do so for 2023/24.

See also