Denmark - Lines with Obscure or Sparse passenger services

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This list is based on the timetable dated 15 December 2024 to 13 December 2025. Standard abbreviations are explained here.

Map references for each route entry are given in parentheses ( ). References prefixed "ERA-E" refer to the European Railway Atlas (All-Europe Edition) by M.G. Ball. References prefixed "ERA-R" refer to the European Railway Atlas (Regional Series: Book 1) by M.G. Ball.

Obscure services

Hundested – Hundested Havn

(Frederiksværkbanen: Lokalbanen A/S) (ERA-E 41B5; ERA-R 15B5) DK25/1

Lokaltog services on the Frederiksværkbane continue 700m to Hundested Havn station when connecting with the hourly ferry to and from Rørvig.

Fredericia avoiding line: Middelfart (Snoghøj) – Taulov

80,81 (ERA-E 40B2; ERA-R 14B2) DK25/2

This east to west curve between the main line from København and routes to Esbjerg and the German frontier, is used by trains between København/Odense and Esbjerg/Kolding not calling at Fredericia.

København – Ringsted high speed line: Dybbølsbro – Køge Nord – Ringsted

50 (ERA-E 41B4-C4; ERA-R 15B4-C4) DK25/3

This high speed line between København and Ringsted is used by trains between København H and either Ringsted or Odense that do not call at Roskilde. The section between København and Køge Nord is used also by trains between København and Næstved calling at Køge Nord and Køge (see entry DK25/6 below).

København avoiding line: Ørestad (Kalvebod) – København Syd – Hvidovre (Hvidovre Fjern)

50 (ERA-E 41C4; ERA-R 15C1) DK25/4

This connection links the Øresundsbane from København airport with the classic main line to Roskilde.

Click on the thumbnail for a diagram:

It is used by the regional trains between København Airport (CPH) and Slagelse, not calling at København H. This service runs hourly, but with some gaps, on Monday - Friday. It is also used between Kalvebod and Vigerslev by the following trains

SX EN345 Stockholm C – 23:21 Malmö Central – Berlin Hbf (note that boarding is not allowed at København Airport)
SX EN346 Berlin Gesundbrunnen - 22:03 Hamburg Hbf - Stockholm C (note that boarding is not allowed at Odense)

and by Snälltåget trains to and from Malmö from/to places other than København H.

København Airport avoiding line: Tårnby – (Peberholm – Svågertorp – Rosengård - ) Malmö C

(ERA-E 41C4; ERA-R 15C1) DK25/5

The main line runs through Københavns Lufthavn station, which is below ground level, but an avoiding line runs at ground level to the north of the station. All Snälltåget trains to and from Malmö are very likely to use the avoiding line, although this cannot be guaranteed as routing is decided by the CTC operator. Note that train R312 (16:08 from København H) is the least likely to use the avoiding line.

Køge Nord - Ølby

51 (ERA-E 41C4; ERA-R 15B4) DK25/6

This grade separated connection between the high speed line to Ringsted and the Roskilde - Køge line is used by trains between København and Næstved via Køge Nord.

Click on the thumbnail for a diagram:

København S-Tog

[Leaflets] (ERA-E 41C4; ERA-R 15C1 - both not shown) DK25/7

There are numerous route splits on various lines, some of which are substantial. They are grouped together from north to south to assist travellers wanting to complete their track coverage:-

  • [Klampenborg] - Charlottenlund – Hellerup: The southbound line makes a large separate loop
  • [Hillerød] – Gentofte – Hellerup: The east- and westbound lines take separate routes
  • [Farum] – Ryparken – Svanemøllen: The line towards Farum is a diveunder
  • The east- and westbound lines from København H are separated by substantial turnback/stabling sidings
  • The line towards København H from Carlsberg dives under the Køge line
  • The lines from Valby towards Høje Taastrup and Frederikssund diverge from each other in a double flying junction. The line from Frederikssund towards København flies over the line from København to Høje Taastrup, with the Høje Taastrup to København line remaining outside this flyover.
  • Rødovre is an unusual split level station; the line towards Høje Taastrup at least 10 metres higher than the line in the opposite direction
  • The track towards Høje Taastrup from the penultimate station of Taastrup dives under an access line to a sizeable S-Tog Depot
  • On the Køge line the south- and northbound tracks at Hundige are separated by an S-Tog Depot

The northbound DSB line to Helsingør takes a separate route to the east of Nordhavn Depot

Other sparse services

The following lines have fewer than three trains a day each way or do not run every day:

Line Service
(Aalborg -) Lindholm - Aalborg Lufthavn Does not run on Sundays

Deletions since previous edition


See also