Slovenia - Lines with Obscure or Sparse passenger services

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This list is based on the timetable in force from 15 December 2024 until 13 December 2025. Standard abbreviations are explained here. Days of the week are shown using ISO8601.

Map references for each route entry are given in parentheses ( ). References prefixed "ERA-E" refer to the European Railway Atlas (All-Europe Edition) by M.G. Ball. References prefixed "ERA-R" refer to the European Railway Atlas (Regional Series: Book 3) by M.G. Ball.

SŽ no longer publish a full paper timetable and the online PDFs do not use timetable numbers (other than in the titles of webpages, instead using the line name). The on-line timetable names are therefore used in the entries below.

Obscure services

Zidani Most avoiding line: Radeče (km 501) – Rimske Toplice (km 502.5)

[Zidani Most-Dobova, Zidani Most-Maribor/Maribor-Zidani Most] (ERA-E 100B2; ERA-R 216A2; 14B4) SI25/1
Note the PDFs show a | at Zidani Most and not the more usual < or blank.

Note Days Train
Note A ②⑤⑦ EN1152 Split - 02:30 Dobova - Bratislava Nové Mesto
Note B ①-⑤ LP2804 Sevnica - 06:09 Radeče - Celje
Note B ①-⑤ LP2802 Sevnica - 06:54 Radeče - Celje
EC158 Zagreb Gl. kol. – 08:39 Sevnica - Wien Hbf
Note C D1414 Dobova – 19:47 Sevnica - Maribor
Note C D1415 Maribor – 09:52 Celje - Dobova
EC159 Wien Hbf - 20:49 Laško - Zagreb Gl. kol.
Note D ③⑤⑦ EN1153 Bratislava Nové Mesto - 23:55 Celje - Split

Note A: From 2 May – 14 October 2025
Note B: See PDF for non-operating periods around Public Holidays
Note C: Until 13 July 2025
Note D: 30 April – 12 October 2025

Škofja Loka "avoiding line" (km 585.5 – km 586.8)

[Ljubljana-Jesenice] (ERA-E 100A2, ERA-R 215B3; 13A3) SI25/2

This line, from the south end of the station avoiding the platforms and taking a more direct course northwards, is normally used by trains not booked to call at this station (MV/EN/most ECs). Again the PDFs just show a | and not <.

Pragersko avoiding line: Rače – Šikole

[Maribor-Središče] (ERA-E 100A3; ERA-R 216A3; 14D2) SI25/3

This north to east curve avoiding Pragersko station is used by trains between the Maribor and Ptuj lines that do not call & reverse at Pragersko. They may be identified in the Maribor-Središče timetables by times at Rače and Šikole, plus no times but a | at Pragersko.

This curve was slightly realigned at the Maribor end by April 2023 as part of improvement works that installed full size platforms and increased the tracks through Pragersko station to four, and repositioned the main line to/from Celje slightly east.

Other sparse services

The following lines have few trains (relative to service levels generally in this country) - fewer than four trains each way on at least three days a week. Note that the on-line Slovenian timetable pdfs no longer show the former timetable numbers.

Route Remark
Metlika - Rosalnice - Bubnjarci (Croatia) There is a very limited two pair ①-⑤ SŽ service between Metlika and Rosalnice, but no SŽ or HŽ cross-border service beyond.
Ilirska Bistrica - Šapjane (Croatia)
Središče - Macinec (Croatia)
Hodoš - Bajánsenye (Hungary) This section of line is not shown in the Slovenian PDF timetables.
Sveti Rok ob Sotli - Hromec (Croatia)
Prešnica - Rakitovec - Buzet (Croatia)
Divača - Hrpelje-Kozina - Koper No local services due to long term engineering work

At weekends, most local lines have a very restricted local service. This particularly affects the following lines, which ordinarily have few or no long-distance trains:

Route Remark
[Ljubljana -] Nove Mesto - Metlika
Sevnica - Trebnje
Ljubljana - Kamnik Graben Reduced on Saturdays, even less on Sundays
Maribor - Prevalje - Bleiburg (Austria)
Ormož - Središče - Čakovec (Croatia)
[Ormož -] Murska Sobota - Hodoš
[Celje -] Stranje - Imeno
[Celje -] Stranje - Sveti Rok ob Sotli - Ðurmanec (Croatia)
Celje - Velenje
Nova Gorica - Sežana Reduced on Saturdays, even less on Sundays
[Ljubljana -] Grosuplje - Kočevje
Ilirska Bistrica - Pivka - Šapjane (Croatia)

Deletions since last edition


See also