Border Crossings: Greece - North Macedonia
Note that there is a one hour time difference between Greece and North Macedonia.
(Florina -) Neos Kafkasos OSE - Kremenica MŽ (- Bitola)
[D] This line has been out of use for several years. Formerly, OSE worked to Kremenica. Works to reopen this line were completed in April 2019, however by the end of 2022 the two governments had still not finalised the agreements required to enable services to operate.
(Thessaloníki -) Idomeni OSE - Gevgelija MŽ (- Skopje)
[E] OSE operates to Gevgelija. Until 21 August 2015 this route carried one daily train pair between Beograd and Thessaloníki via Skopje. The cross-border service from Greece was then replaced by a bus owing to the migrant crisis. However, as the Beograd - Gevgelija train service was withdrawn from 1 October 2018, there is at present no cross border passenger service. The summer 2020 Thessaloniki to Beograd train was a bus between Thessaloniki and Gevgelija. There is no service at all as at July 2022 because of construction work on the new line between Polikastro and Idomeni and to modernise track and signalling on the entire line from Thessaloniki. This will probably not be finished until at least 2025.