Sweden - General Information

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Country Name

Sweden (Sverige)

National Railway System

National Railway Operator

Most long distance train services are operated by SJ AB. Most (old)SJ activities are being devolved into three subsidiaries:

  • SJ AB – Passenger services.
  • Green Cargo AB (GC) – Freight.
  • Swedcarrier AB – Service divisions - Now privatised.

Other Major Operators

The other major passenger operators are:

  • Arlanda Express
  • Hector Rail has for the time being ceased to operate Flixtrain i Sweden. Late January 2024 Flixtrain announced a "pause" in the operations. 16 April all carriages were sent for use in Germany. Hector continues as sub-supplier to SJ, hauling the night trains between Malmö and Padborg. It is not known if Flixtrain plans to resume operation in Sweden at a later date. Flixtrain has not requested any paths for the new timetable starting in December 2024.
  • MTRX operates Stockholm - Göteborg in competition with SJ, but MTRX is sold to Finnish VR (see contract changes). Rebranding will take place during the autumn.
  • Transdev, which in addition to services on behalf of RTA:s, also owns Snälltåget.
  • Tågåkeriet i Bergslagen (TÅGAB)
  • VR Sverige (Finnish VR has acquired Arriva Sweden)
  • Vy Tåg AB - previous name Svenska Tågkompaniet (TKAB)

Trafikverket and SJ AB are government-owned; the others have private or foreign owners. Green Cargo and DB have dismantled the cooperative venture Railion Scandiavia (based in Denmark). More information under Other Railways below. Many local passenger services are operated on behalf of regional transport authorities. In many cases the operator is still SJ: for exceptions see below. Trafikverket owns former SJ lines, plus those of Trafikaktiebolaget Grängesberg Oxelösunds Järnvägar (TGOJ). TGOJ Trafik AB is now integrated into GC.

Through services Stockholm – Oslo are operated by SJ, Oslo – Göteborg are operated by Vy (prev. NSB).

Regional Transport Authorities

The following are regional transport authorities responsible for the provision of local train services. They contract with SJ or another train operator to run the trains for them. Services crossing regional transport authority boundaries are usually jointly-sponsored. A few are joint operations with SJ long-distance services. In several cases a separate brand name, shown in brackets, is used to promote some or all services. RTA systems are listed in order from North to South on Trafikverket network. Some tables are not valid the full year. Please observe dates of validity. Always use a journey planner to verify, in particular when travelling on or near public holidays, In addition, most RTA services are stopping services. The commercial operators (and Öresundståg) are using the same lines but with fewer stops. The explanation for the numbered notes (for example {1}) is given after each row in the table.

Regional Transport Authority /System Lines Operator Web/JP Line Map Line Timetable InterRail
Norrtåg Kiruna-Boden-Luleå, Haparanda-Boden-Luleå, Luleå-Boden-Umeå Ö, Umeå C-Örnsköldsvik-Sundsvall C, Storlien-Sundsvall C Vy Tåg AB (VR Sverige from December 2025) Yes Yes Yes Yes
X-trafik (X-tåget) Gävle-Sundsvall V, Gävle-Ljusdal Vy Tåg AB (VR Sverige from June 2025) Yes No Yes No
Tåg i Bergslagen (TiB) Morastrand-Borlänge (-Sala {1}), Gävle-Borlänge-Ställdalen-Örebro C-Hallsberg-Mjölby, Gävle-Avesta Krylbo-Örebro C,Västerås-Fagersta-Ludvika , Örebro C-Hallsberg(-Laxå {1}) VR Sverige AB Yes Yes Yes Yes
{1}: Limited TiB traffic Sala-Borlänge and Hallsberg-Laxå.
Mälardalstrafik (Mälartåg) Uppsala-Stockholm C-Eskilstuna-Arboga-Örebro S, Uppsala-Gävle, Uppsala-Sala-Eskilstuna-Katrineholm-Norrköping-Linköping, Stockholm C-Katrineholm-Hallsberg, Stockholm C-Nyköping-Norrköping. Transdev Yes Yes {2} No Yes
{2}: Scroll down for map. Click on the double arrow in the bottom right corner to enlarge.
Region Värmland (Värmlandstrafik) Degerfors-Kristinehamn-Karlstad-Kil-Charlottenberg, Karlstad-Kil-Torsby Vy Tåg AB Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storstockholms lokaltrafik (SL)
  • SL Line 40: Uppsala C-Arlanda C-Upplands Väsby-Stockholm City-Älvsjö-Flemingsberg-Tumba-Södertälje hamn-Södertälje centrum
  • SL Line 41: Märsta-Upplands Väsby-Stockholm City-Älvsjö-Flemingsberg-Tumba-Södertälje hamn- Södertälje centrum
  • SL Line 42: Märsta-Upplands Väsby-Stockholm City-Älvsjö-Västerhaninge-Nynäshamn
  • SL Line 43: Bro-Kungsängen-Stockholm City-Älvsjö-Västerhaninge-Nynäshamn
  • SL Line 48: Södertälje centrum-Södertälje hamn-Järna-Gnesta
SJ Stockholmståg AB Yes {6} Yes Yes {6,7} No
{6}: This can't be accessed from the English-language pages.

{7}: Tick Pendeltåg. Click Ladda ned PDF (Download PDF).

Västtrafik (Västtågen) Göteborg-Kungsbacka-Varberg, Strömstad-Göteborg, Alingsås-Göteborg, Töreboda-Göteborg, Örebro-Lidköping-Göteborg, Töreboda-Falköping-Nässjö, Uddevalla-Borås-Varberg, Säffle/Vänersborg-Göteborg, Göteborg-Falköping-Nässjö, Göteborg-Borås, Ed-Trollhättan SJ Götalandståg AB Yes {10} Yes Yes {11,14} Yes
{10}: This JP is in English. However some text - like warnings - may still be in Swedish. It has many options, including the selection of other operators within the Västtrafik area.

{11}: Instructions how to obtain line timetables for the Västtrafik area. All modes of transport are initially marked.

  1. Remove all markings except for trains, and the available train timetables appear below.
  2. Select line.
  3. More than one time-span may be shown. Select the appropriate.
  4. Click on the underscored line.
  5. The timetable-PDF appears in a new window.

{14}: These tables show Västtrafik only. Please see other possible operators for a particular line. Some Västtrafik tickets may be valid on other operators.

ÖstgötaTrafiken (Östgötapendeln) Norrköping-Mjölby-Motala, Norrköping-Mjölby-Tranås VR Sverige AB (Transdev from 1 June 2025) Yes Yes Yes No
Krösatågen (= the Lingonberry trains) {21} Nässjö-Tranås, Nässjö-Eksjö, Nässjö-Vetlanda, Jönköping-Nässjö-Alvesta-Växjö, Nässjö-Vaggeryd-Värnamo-Halmstad, Jönköping-Vaggeryd-Värnamo-Halmstad, Kalmar-Emmaboda-Karlskrona,Kalmar-Emmaboda-Växjö, Växjö-Alvesta-Hässleholm, Linköping-Hultsfred-Kalmar, Linköping-Västervik SJ Krösa Jönköping County: Yes
Kalmar County: Yes {22}
Kronoberg County:Yes
Yes Jönköping County:Yes {23}
Kalmar County: Yes {24}
Kronoberg County: Yes
{21}: The Krösatågen site is very lean. It consists of a line map, links to six RTA which sells tickets for this system and a link for lost and found. Instead, there can be links to the 3 major owning counties:

{22}: If the JP is not visible on the Kalmar county front page, click "Reseplanerare" (top right).
{23}: Instructions how to obtain line timetables for the Jönköping county:

  1. Click Tidtabeller (=Timetables)in the small grey area in the main picture.
  2. A new text "Sök tidtabeller" (=Search for time tables) appears.
  3. Click on the small arrow to the right of the text "Alla trafikslag" (=All traffic types).
  4. A drop-down list appears. Click "Krösatåg".
  5. Click "Sök tidtabell" (=Search for time table, the red box to the right).
  6. A list of timetables appear. Scroll until you found the right table. Warning: Tables with text "Tillgänglighetsanpassad tidtabell" is for disabled persons. Do not click here unless you need this.
  7. Click on the small down arrow to the right and a PDF will appear.

{24}: Instructions how to obtain line timetables for the Kalmar county:

  1. Find the heading "Trafikslag"(=Traffic types) under "Hitta din tidtabell" (=Find your timetable).
  2. Click on the small arrow down to the right of "Alla trafikslag" (=All traffic types).
  3. Click Tåg (=Trains).
  4. Click Sök (=search, the small blue box).
  5. Put the cursor on the yellow line and scroll down until the appropriate table is found.
  6. Click on the blue underlined text, and the timetable appears.
Öresundståg Göteborg-Halmstad-Helsingborg-Malmö-Copenhagen, Kalmar-Växjö-Hässleholm-Malmö-Copenhagen, Karlskrona-Kristianstad-Hässleholm-Malmö-Copenhagen Transdev Yes Yes Yes Yes
Skånetrafiken (Pågatåg and Öresundståg) Lund-Malmö-Copenhagen-Österport(Ö-tåg), Göteborg-Helsingborg-Malmö-Copenhagen (Ö-tåg), Helsingborg-Teckomatorp-Malmö, Kalmar-Växjö-Hässleholm-Malmö-Copenhagen (Ö-tåg), Karlskrona-Kristianstad-Hässleholm-Malmö-Copenhagen (Ö-tåg), (Kristianstad-)Hässleholm-Helsingborg, Lund-Malmö-Ystad, Ystad-Simrishamn, Markaryd-Hässleholm, Åstorp-Kävlinge-Lund-Malmö, Helsingborg-Malmö-Trelleborg, Växjö-Alvesta-Osby-Hässleholm, Kävlinge-Lomma-Malmö C-Kontinentalbanan {30} Transdev (Öresundståg) and VR Sverige AB (Pågatåg) Yes Yes Yes {31} Yes
{30}: See Sparse and Obscure Serices, item SE 24/25. Trains arriving in Malmö C (from Kävlinge-Lomma only) stops first at the sub-surface platforms, continues via Hyllie-Svågertorp-Rosengård and teminates in the terminal section of Malmö C station. And the opposite for departing trains.

{31}: Instructions how to obtain line timetables for Pågatåg and Öresundståg within the Skåne area. Verify the result in a journey planner.

  1. Click Tåg (=Trains).
  2. A field appears with text: Välj tåg - obligatoriskt (=Select train line - mandatory).
  3. Click on the small arrow down to the right.
  4. A list with train lines appears.
  5. Click the appropriate line.
  6. Click Sök tidtabell (=Search time table).
  7. There might be more than one time-span shown, select the appropriate.
  8. Click on Öppna som PDF (= Open as PDF) in the left (=white) square.
  9. Your line timetable appears.

RTA using local (SL) infrastructure (not in Trafikverket network)

Regional Transport Authority Lines Operator Web/JP Line Map Line Timetable InterRail
Storstockholms lokaltrafik (SL)
  • SL Line 25: Saltsjöbanan: Slussen-Igelboda-Saltsjöbaden{51}
  • SL Line 26: Saltsjöbanan: Igelboda-Solsidan {51}
  • SL Line 27: Roslagsbanan: Stockholm Ö-Djursholms Ösby-Roslags Näsby-Kårsta {55}
  • SL Line 28: Roslagsbanan: Stockholm Ö-Djursholms Ösby-Roslags Näsby-Österskär {55}
  • SL Line 29: Roslagsbanan: Stockholm Ö-Djursholms Ösby-Näsbypark {55}
Saltsjöbanan: VR Sverige (AB Stockholms Spårvägar from August 2024) Roslagsbanan: Transdev Yes {56} Yes Yes {56,57} No
{51}: See Openings/Reopenings section below..

{55}: Narrow guage 891 mm.
{56}: This can't be accessed from the English-language pages.
{57}: Tick Roslagsbanan or Saltsjöbanan. Click Ladda ned PDF (Download PDF).Be aware of days of validity.

The following unprofitable services have been contracted out by Trafikverket Samhälle (previously Rikstrafiken - a government body) to operators other than SJ:

  • Stockholm to Umeå, Luleå, Narvik and Luleå to Narvik: Vy Tåg AB. However, the contract will be transferred back to SJ from 15 December 2024


Swedish. The Sami, who live in the Northern half of Sweden, have their own language, which is related to Finnish.

Accented vowels come at the end of the Swedish alphabet, with Å, Ä and Ö following Z in that order. Accordingly, Öxnered comes last in the index of Swedish railway stations and Nässjö is further down the list than Nynäshamn.


Swedish Kronor

UIC code

numeric 74; alpha S


To find current traffic information, check your trip on a journey planner e.g. RESROBOT (see Journey planner immediately below) or unless travel with MTRX or Snälltåget is planned also SJ

The non-electrified DMU-operated lines have a higher percentage of replacement bus operation than electrified lines. Check your train at Trafikverket before departure to ensure it is a train and not a bus.

Journey Planner

RESROBOT. Select Reseplanerare (Journey Planner) Click on the 3 short dashes in the top left hand corner. Find the word Språk (=Language). Click on Engelska (=English). A question in the top left hand corner may be visible, where the user is asked to provide his or her location. Chose between alltid(=always), aldrig(=never) or Inte nu(=not now).
SJ can also be used but has less detail – e.g no ability to select streets, only locations to where you can purchase a ticket. SJ does not show MTRX and Snälltåget. On the other hand, Resrobot search and Resrobot ticket sales are two different functions, where the latter is somewhat simplified. It is possible to search and find a complex journey (e.g. including a detour) to which it isn't possible to buy a ticket at Resrobot (a pre-defined list of possible choices appear), which is reached by first clicking Search and then Search Filter. In the SJ site and app the search and the purchase are the same function. In the SJ channels click first Search Journey, and the Filter button appears. Click on it, and in the app a row can be found at the top, where the via-station can be typed. On the website scroll down and both the via-station and the desired time for the stop can be typed. Why is this so? - Probably SJ wanted to simplify for the less experienced travellers, some may think a Via-button is mandatory. Warning: SJ has a new ticketing systems for journeys from 4 June 2024. Initially there is no Filter button. Look. for journeys with 0 changes when searching for direct trains only.

Samtrafiken (which here includes SJ channels) can be expected to open for ticket purchase in 3-5 steps every year. To find out how far trains are available, do like this (when using the SJ journey planner):
1. Click Search Journey
2. Type major stations in the from and to boxes.
3. Choose travel date
4. If you see trains with prices - tickets are available. Otherwise you will only see boxes with the text "Unavailable" or the text "We didn't find any matching departures, try a different search".

Actual Train Times

Trafikverket has an online service The text is only in Swedish but should be easy to understand. Start typing either a station or a train number and a drop-down list will show. Click on the station or number of interest. "Beräknas" means "expected at". All passenger trains on Trafikverket tracks except Arlanda Express are included. Avoid the https://www.trafikverket.se/ initial page - via Meny(Menu) and Languages], as this will only show road related information (mostly on driver's license) .

In Stockholm, the displays shown at the commuter train, Underground (Metro), local railways/tramway and bus stops can be seen at the SL Website in English. Just select Next Departure and type your halt/station.

There are Swedish webpages similar to Real Time Trains or Open Train Times, which use data provided by Trafikverket. These sites complement each other. Starting 2023 there are 2 or 3 different identities for a train: Train-ID, advertised # (passenger only) and operational #. The latter is allocated by Trafikverket at midnight 24 hours before the 24-hour period when the train is to run. SJ and other passenger operators normally use the advertised # as the "core" in Train-ID. Starting November 2023, only passenger trains are shown !

Trafikverket has February 2024 started its own live map It is similar to the 1409.se (see below), but in Swedish only. Currently as a web application (no Iphone/Android apps), and only passenger services visible.

avgång.nu (departure now). For those without Swedish keyboards, use this link. This site focuses on passenger services and provides platform/track usage in stations. There are many ways to filter the information, and also to see all public transport in the areas listed. Remember that for a night train, the Tågets avgångsdatum (departure date) may be the previous day. To find train # use jvgfoto.se or 1409.se. This site shows all site names in full text with the most recent information at the bottom. However, all users must now accept cookies from the advertisement networks, which means that this site is unusable for anyone disagreeing to accept.

jvgfoto.se also provides a lot of good pictures. All sites are identified by only the location code, unless the box requesting full names is ticked. The maps from Trafikverket (see above) contain both location codes and full names, and may be useful here. The traffic information has 6 options.

  • 1. Traffic information for a section of line, shown as a graphical timetable which shows just the last hour. This is very useful, but only the location codes are displayed.
  • 2. Traffic information for a section of line. Up to 6 different sections can be selected from a drop-down list.
  • 3. Traffic information for a location. This is used to see what has occurred at a particular site up to the current time. Type in the location code. The most recent events are displayed at the top.
  • 4. Traffic information for a certain train, with arrival and departure times and if the train is ahead or behind the planned path. Beware of the difference between the public train no. (shown in public timetables and used for booking tickets) and working train no., which may change during the journey. The most recent events are displayed at the top.
  • 5. Traffic Radar for locations: enter a the location code and a distance in km. This shows reported events for trains at locations within the radius entered. It provides an overview of all movements in the area.
  • 6. The same, but centred around a moving train.

It is possible to tick Visa fullständiga trafikplatsnamn (show the names of the locations in full) - instead of just the abbreviations. The update frequency (refresh rate) can also be chosen:- ingen (none) or anything between 1 and 15 minutes. When Trafikverket ceased to provide the daily graphical timetables to the general public, these immediately disappeared from this site as well. The cumulative graphical timetable is still provided but, once published, is not updated. The graphical timetable also contains both full names and location codes. From 2023 the graphical timetable has become virtually useless as it shows the requests rather than the allocated paths.

tl.tydal.nu is a less comprehensive application than the others. But it is very handy for travellers using a smartphone. Enter the location code for a station where the train is planned to stop. You can easily see the location codes where the passenger trains approaching the station are, and if these trains are on time or delayed. To decode the location codes use Trafikverket maps (see Web-based maps)

1409.se is an information page also provided by Tomas Tydal's company using data from Trafikverket. It is available as a website and as an app (both iPhone and Android). Most of the text can be translated into English (select the British flag) and six other languages. Look at any passenger station, or see the train status by operator. This site has a live map updated every minute. Click on the train no. to see its operator and destination.

If this site is used without logging in, additional information will only be visible on passenger trains. Some "Special" (=Departmental) for passenger train operators may also be seen. The history for most passenger trains, starting in summer 2018, can also be seen. The colour of the train number indicates if the train is early (blue), on time (green) or late (yellow or red). Clicking on the number displays the cause of the delay.

After registering (free of charge) and getting a login code, it is possible to log in, but now, with freight no longer visible, is it unclear where the advantage is.

Subscribing to the site (now 49 SEK/month) gives the benefit of avoiding advertisements and tracking. There are plans to expand the site, and there might be new functions available only to subscribers. The subscription fee may increase for new subscribers when more functions have been added.

Those registering who use an email address from a Swedish company within the Railway sector, gain access to information not available to others.

Downloadable Timetable

From the new timetable in December 2023, the downloadable public timetables ceased to exist.

However, most RTA have line timetables for their own traffic. See the table under Regional Transport Authorities above:

Printed Timetable

The printed timetable has not been published since 1 July 2012. Use an updated journey planner.

Engineering Information

There is information on the SJ site in English, but only for lines, where SJ is the operator. It may contain outdated information. Users of the Snälltåget services are suggested to use Snälltåget site in English. Scroll down to Planned Service changes. Information on work affecting Snälltåget in Denmark and Germany is normally also included here. RTA often have traffic information - in Swedish - accessible via their front page. See the RTA table above.

There is a site where you can see trackwork and incidents provided by Joakim Ewenson, an IT-professional, who also has worked as a train driver. It shows current events on the Trafikverket network.

You can tick a box in the top left hand corner to indicate if you want to see planned trackwork, otherwise you will only see other events. Items are sorted on time of addition or update, newest on top. Events for a particular month are normally added during the preceding month. Data from Trafikverket, and only in Swedish, but should be easy to understand anyway.

Bus Information

The same Journey Planner is used for train and bus RESROBOT. Select Reseplanerare (Journey Planner) Click on the 3 short dashes in the top left hand corner. Find the word Språk (=Language). Click on Engelska (=English). A question in the top left hand corner may be visible, where the user is asked to provide his or her location. Chose between alltid(=always), aldrig(=never) or Inte nu(=not now).


Printed Maps

Web-based Maps


Ticketing introduction

There are no longer any staffed ticket offices in Sweden. Indeed, SJ ticket machines are being removed from all stations starting September 2023. This makes it much more difficult to buy a ticket at a station. See below for other options. Internet access is strongly recommended. Anyone not already familiar with the Internet access in Sweden, please also read “Internet access in the Swedish railway environment”, under Special Notes below.

In 2024 a number of changes are planned behind the scenes. Both the Samtrafik (Samtrafiken) and SJ are replacing their backend systems. Two parallell projects which must be coordinated. The start of the systems for ticket sales and the first day for which it is possible to travel must be the same for both systems. SJ started the new system 16 April as planned. Samtrafiken hub was operational before this date. In the second step 25 April tickets have been released for travel between 4 June and 1 September. In addition some functions (like filtering during the purchase process) are not yet available. When using the SJ site the question of desired travel date is asked. Depending on the answer, the customer is transferred to the old or the new system. In the latter case a few basic fields will have to be re-typed.

Once the migration has started and both the old and the new systems are in use, SJ can sell non-refundable and refundable tickets, but not rebookable tickets until the migration to the new system is complete.

Vy SE is starting a new system, totally independent of the new SJ system (it is not the same system). However, the systems are planned to exchange data via the Samtrafik (Samtrafiken) communications hub. It is not known if this will work from day 1. Using vy.se is likely to work.
Vy SE - Latest info
Vy SE - Ticket availability
Vy SE - Night train traffic info

Snälltåget replaced its ticketing system already 12 December 2023. Until the migration is complete, it may not be possible to buy Snälltåget tickets in the SJ channels, only via the Snälltåget site (see below).


The best way to travel is to use Interrail and download the Interrail (Rail Planner) app. Prior to 2023 it had only a few errors. However, in 2023 trains may be opened for ticket purchase maybe only a month or less before the train is due to run. There is still a risk that the Interrail app updates may lag behind. This app shows which trains the Interrail ticket is valid on, as well as listing the participating operators. It also enables one to buy seat reservation supplements, which are often required. These can also be purchased on the SJ website, but not via the SJ app. Warning: If travelling on the last train of the day from A via B to C, changing trains at B. If the train from A to B is delayed and the connection from B to C is not held, there is nowhere to get help. Prospective travellers should arm themselves with the contact details of local hotels in B.

Seat reservations on SJ trains are mandatory for Interrail travellers when using Snabbtåg (fast trains), Inter City and night trains, but not for Regional services. However, if reservation is possible, a ticket holder with reservations has a right to claim the seat. When travelling on a SJ regional service Stockholm - Västerås - Örebro (Göteborg), there is normally at least one section where all seats can't be reserved. See the sign at the platform, or the search for the station in question on Trafikverket site.

Commercial rail operators

  • SJ

SJ is the oldest and largest passenger train operator. The easiest way for a foreign tourist to purchase SJ tickets in Sweden is to use the SJ app, or the SJ site . The website has an “adaptive” design and works for smartphones as well. The app is also available in English (see language settings). The only disadvantage with the app is that it cannot be used to purchase Interrail reservations. These can be made using the Interrail app or via the SJ site. Instructions are given here.

SJ sells tickets for all public transport in Sweden (both commercial and non-commercial operators listed below), except MTRX/VR and Snälltåget. It also covers Oslo and Copenhagen. It also sells add-on tickets for local trains and buses with the SJ ticket (see the section on Resplus ticket below). Vy SE, Norrtåg, TÅGAB and Öresundståg can also be purchased from SJ, even though these companies (except TÅGAB) also have their own sales web sites.

Foreign credit cards (Visa or Mastercard) can be used on both the SJ app and the website. When purchasing from the website, it is better to choose a PDF ticket rather a SMS (text message) ticket.

SJ tickets (except for overnight trains) can be purchased in both Pressbyrån and most 7-Eleven stores, but a service fee of 100 SEK will be charged for each order. This is obviously an expensive option for short journeys or a small number of people. Remember that these are shops: their skill in selling tickets may vary considerably and there may be little interest in selling a complicated ticket when several ‘normal’ customers are waiting to be served.

Ticket offices operated by the RTA:s may also sell SJ tickets, but these offices are few and some have office hours only. Check the website of the RTA in question, but some RTA websites are in Swedish only. Links to these can be found in the table over RTA above or under the heading Samtrafiken, under Non-commercial operators, below.

SJ ticket vending machines are being removed from all locations starting September 2023.

For SJ customer service, see Welcome to SJ Customer service!

For telephone enquiries call +46771757575 and wait for the message “for information in English please press 9”. Normally a 100 SEK service fee is charged when using this service to buy a ticket, but it is likely to be waived if it is obvious that the customer has no access to or doesn’t understand the web or the app.

Purchase of tickets in advance is mandatory for all SJ trains. It is not possible to purchase tickets on board.

Tickets may not be checked on board SJ trains with mandatory seat reservation because the guards have a seat map on their smartphone. However, the ticket of anyone in a seat which should be free according to the seat map, will be checked. The SJ sales channels are the dominant ones and have the most comprehensive pages in English. Some of the other long-distance operators have their own websites and there are also a few independent sites for domestic tickets, such as resrobot. Where a ticket permits rebooking or a refund, this applies only to the SJ section of a multiple operator journey. The sections covered by other operators are normally non-refundable.

  • MTRX/VR. All tickets include a seat reservation.
  • SJ Norway (Nord) operates the cross-border Storlien – Trondheim line. Tickets can be bought on the SJ SE channels.
  • Snälltåget. All tickets include a seat reservation. Tickets can't be purchased via SJ or the SJ app after 12 December 2023. If there are available seats on the train, tickets are also sold in the restaurant carriage (Krogen). Frequently used cards and even cash (SEK and EUR) are accepted, but no change is given.
  • TÅGAB Its website has no provision for ticket sales. Tickets can be purchased via SJ or the SJ app.
  • Vy SE is a subsidiary of Vy NO (previously NSB). It has an agreement with MTRX/VR to sell MTRX/VR tickets.

Norrtåg and Värmland are mentioned on the Vy SE homepage because Vy SE operates the trains on behalf of the Regional Transport Authorities in these areas. Vy SE has a contract with Trafikverket to operate the Stockholm – Luleå and Stockholm – Narvik overnight trains, and sets the prices for these. Tickets on these trains include a seat or bed reservation.
Tickets for Vy Göteborg – Oslo cross-border services are sold also by SJ. However, Vy’s Norwegian site must be used if a seat reservation or an advance ticket for Göteborg – Oslo is required. A few of the Karlstad – Charlottenberg trains (operated by Vy SE) are extended into Norway.

Non-commercial operators / Regional Transport Authorities (RTA)

For travel within one region/county council area (RTA), tickets are sold locally by agencies (shops). Look for shops with the logo of the local RTA. Some also sell via ticket machines or by on-train staff. Most RTA have an app, which can be downloded A few larger towns have staffed ticket offices, but these are often open only during office hours. A credit card will probably be required in most cases. Krösatåg, Mälartåg, Norrtåg, TiB (Tåg i Bergslagen) and Öresundståg are owned jointly by the county councils in the relevant area. The trains may be run by SJ or another operator.

Öresundståg: Tickets can be purchased from vending machines at the stations or offices of ÖRESUNDSTÅG. Click on the + sign after Points of sale.

Mälartåg: .
Travellers on the Uppsala - Sala and Uppsala - Gävle lines can also use UL yellow vending machines. See UL.
Foreign travellers without Mälartåg or SJ app from any station served only by Mälartåg are recommended to purchase a ticket from this location before going there. But be aware - single tickets are for a specific train, which means that time of departure cannot be changed. Use the SJ app or the Mälartåg app. The latter is similar to the Stockholm (SL) app, and should be straightforward for anyone who has used the SL app.

Using the two largest cities as examples:
For the Stockholm County, see SL In English. A single journey with a 75-minute ticket (last leg started within this time) can be bought just by holding a Amex, MasterCard or VISA contactless credit card in front of the glass of the green validator. There is also a SL app which can be downloaded and offers more alternatives. It can be set to English.
For Göteborg and the surrounding Västra Götaland area see Västtrafik. There is also a Västtrafik app (which really is named: to go). It can be downloaded.

Samtrafiken, a company owned by all the regional public transport authorities and many commercial operators, lists its owners (ägare) on its webpage Samtrafiken. Click on the relevant icon to link to the individual companies’ website. Some have pages in English; use a translator (like Google Translate) for those only in Swedish. The last icon on the page (Länstrafiken) is the Örebro county. Some of the listed companies may have their “own” trains, such as SL, Västtrafik, Värmlandståg and X-trafik, while others may have only bus operations. They may also be just a part-owner of a joint venture. See the top of this section.

Ticket types

Beware that ticket validities can differ, depending on the type of operator and the channel used to purchase them. Tickets with a limited validity – like the British ‘advance tickets’ - are valid only on the date and train number shown on the ticket. However, in Sweden the entire train may be sold on this basis. Commercial operators always favour advance tickets with a seat reservation included (with some exceptions listed below). Tickets, which can be rebooked or refunded are available, but of course at a higher price. Note that reservations are not shown on the seats.

Commercial operator Exceptions

  • SJ – Seat reservation is included free of charge for all SJ trains, except for shorter distances with some regional trains. Regional trains may have a small number of unreserved seats, mainly for commuters using a travelcard (or Interrail!) and for passengers travelling a short distance. All trains are like Advance tickets independent of whether seat reservation is compulsory or not.

A seat reservation is included in the tickets for all trains, except on these routes: Stockholm – Uppsala, Stockholm – Köping, Örebro – Hallsberg, Skövde – Göteborg, Växjö – Alvesta. A seat reservation is automatically included when the ticket is purchased if it is required.

  • Snälltåget – Tickets that are purchased on the Snälltåget site can be changed (rebooked) and made refundable for a fee.

Joint ventures non-commercial operators / Regional Transport Authorities

  • Krösatåg – No own ticket system. The systems of the owning county councils /RTA are used. See links last under non-commercial operators. Here it is normally possible to purchase the (local) ticket from the guard, but card payment only and tickets can only be sold if there is a mobile network signal.
  • Mälartåg (Mälardalstrafik) – No seat reservations. Single tickets are like Advance tickets - for a specific train. (A large proportion of the passengers use travelcards). Se also Mälartåg notes (above).
  • Norrtåg - Single tickets are like Advance tickets. Seat reservation is optional but bear in mind that this system covers the entire northern half of Sweden! Tickets are available from Norrtåg or the Vy SE app.
  • Tåg i Bergslagen (TiB)- No seat reservations. Single tickets are purchased via the SJ channels or, when suitable via the owning county councils /RTA.
  • Öresundståg. – Seat reservation is possible when purchasing via the SJ channels or via Öresundståg. These tickets are like Advance tickets. However, tickets purchased via the local RTA are not tied to a specific train.
  • Other non-commercial operators (county councils)/RTA - No seat reservation. Tickets are not tied to a specific train. Resplus tickets purchased via the SJ channels are valid on any train on the day of travel (see below). There is one exception: When purchasing a Resplus ticket (see below) for travel to or from any station on the Linköping – Kalmar and Linköping – Västervik lines, the traveller gets a seat reservation, and can claim a numbered seat. But other passengers travelling on local tickets do not need seat reservations.

Resplus tickets

A Resplus (Travel plus) ticket is normally issued for a journey which involves multiple operators, including bus and ferry companies. All channels always issue a Resplus ticket when these conditions are met, for example a journey involving both SJ and a non-commercial entity such as Krösatågen or Västtrafik. A Resplus ticket is normally slightly more expensive than buying directly from the non-commercial operator, as the sales channel (SJ or other) adds a booking fee on top of the operator’s ticket price. However, it provides a considerable advantage if a change of trains is involved, and the onward connection is missed. (Compare this with the situation described in the last part of the Interrail section above). If a passenger holds a Resplus ticket, the operator responsible for missing the connection is required to provide their onward transport. During the day, this is normally the next train or bus. However, if the last connection has already departed, the operator responsible must provide a bus or a taxi. If this is not feasible (for instance an overnight train) they must provide a hotel and tickets for the following day free of charge.


Infrastructure Authority

Railway infrastructure is owned and maintained by Trafikverket.

For a while Trafikverket (during the rebuild) will have two websites. This means that you may not find what you are looking for where it used to be.

On trafikverket.se you will find content for the general public, like traffic information and information on Trafikverket projects. On bransch.trafikverket.se you will find content aimed at those who have a professional interest.

Please note, that some pages which may be of interest for EGTRE readers are in bransch.trafikverket.se . This applies in particular to the maps.

A warning - please do not select Languages/English on the frontpage of bransch.trafikverket.se . You will be directed to a simplified page without a possibility to access the suggested page. Use the links provided by EGTRE, these will bring you directly to a suitable page.

Network Statement

The Trafikverket website contains the Network Statement for each year.


Standard. SJ used to operate several 891mm and 1067mm and one 1093mm gauge lines, but these have all been closed or converted to standard gauge. There are tourist operations on a few ex-SJ narrow-gauge lines, but the only 891mm gauge line still with regular passenger services is the SL Roslagsbana (operator Transdev since 13 April 2022).


15kV 16.7 Hz. The Öresund bridge is 25 kV 50Hz (DSB system). The SL Roslagsbana is 1500V dc and the SL Saltsjöbana is 900V dc.

Rule of the road

Left, but most lines in Sweden are single track. All lines with two or four tracks have CTC and full bi-directional signalling. In the Malmö area the Danish right-hand rule is used. The switch between left and right happens in a flying junction at Arlöv north of Malmö (about 1 km south of Burlöv station).

Also Södertälje hamn - Södertälje centrum uses the right hand rule. All trains to and from Stockholm and beyond reverse at Södertälje hamn, and to reduce conflicting movements, right hand rule is used. The exceptions may be trains to and from Järna/Gnesta and empty trains from the SL Södertälje EMU depot destined for Södertälje centrum.


Detailed information for each line is contained in the Linjebok.

For EGTRE readers it may be easier to use tydal.nu.Here you can find the distances for Sweden,and most lines in Denmark and Norway and find the route you are intested in.

Swedish only. Translations: Avståndsberäkning = calcuation of distance, Sträcka = stretch (enter from and to, full names or in Sweden also location codes), Hitta kortaste väg = find the shortest route (if you don't fill this box, you have to manually select where you have to go in each junction), Utan riktningsbyte = without change of direction. Click Sök (=search).

Ny sökning = search again, Fågelvägen är = the linear route is. As an example, you can find, that the linear route between Bodö in Norway and Narvik in Norway is 181 km, but the rail route via Storlien and the electrified line in Sweden is 2066 km.

Other railways

Apart from tourist lines and industrial concerns, the only significant "private" (it is owned by th municipalities along the line) railway is the Inlandsbana (=Inlandsbanan) from Mora to Brunflo and Östersund to Gällivare.

LKAB operates its own iron ore trains over Trafikverket (in Sweden) and Bane NOR (in Norway) lines from Gällivare, Kiruna and Svappavaara to Narvik and Luleå.
Other companies operating freight (and, in some cases, passenger) trains over Trafikverket lines are seen at Transportstyrelsen website. Here is a list of organisations holding valid permits to operate on the Trafikverket network or an independent network. Some operations are on behalf of Green Cargo and others at the private companies' own risk or for their own needs.

Under: Säkerhetsintyg (safety certificate) tick one of the following.:

  • Alla typer (all types)
  • Passagerartrafik (passenger)
  • Godstrafik (freight)
  • Endast växling (local shunting only)

Under: Nationellt trafiksäkerhetstillstånd (national rail safety permit)

  • Alla typer (all types)
  • Persontrafik eller museitrafik på lokal eller regional fristående järnvägsinfrastruktur (Passenger or heritage traffic on local or regional independent infrastructure)
  • Godstrafik på järnvägsnät som inte förvaltas av staten och som endast används av ägaren eller infrastrukturförvaltaren för transporter av eget gods (Freight on a network which is not adminstred by the country of Sweden and which only is used by the owner or the adminstrator for own cargo)

Under:Farligt gods (Hazardous cargo)

  • Visa alla tillstånd rörande farligt gods (show all permits concerning hazardous cargo)

There is a cost and some administrative work to retain a certificate. Normally no organisation has a certificate without a real need. Nevertheless, there are organisations which have, for example, a certificate for passenger service, without regularly operating any such service. Traction and stock leasing companies and suppliers to Trafikverket or the operators or to Trafikverket projects can have a certificate either for freight or for local shunting All entities have a 10 digit organisational number. Almost all preservation societies have numbers starting with 8.

Tourist lines

Due to weather and daylight hours, most tourist lines have a very short operating season, typically from mid-June to mid-August.

A free guide to preserved railways in Sweden, "Tågsommar", is published each spring by Modelljärnvägsmagasinet, Stationsvägen 14, S-686 97 Lysvik, Sweden. Emai: tagsommar@tagsommar.se Phone: "+46(0)565-801 06" . Tågsommar site. Links to most tourist lines and many other small museums, societies etc. are available here.


Stockholm. In addition to the Tunnelbana, Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL) operates two local lines, the Roslagsbana (891mm gauge), and the Saltsjöbana.


Göteborg, Lund, Malmö (Malmö Stads Spårvägar Museiförening, summer weekend museum trams only see Spårvägssällskapet, Norrköping, Stockholm: Nockebybanan: Alvik – Nockeby, Tvärbanan: Sickla – Gullmarsplan – Liljeholmen – Alvik – Solna station and Alviks Strand - Bromma Flygplats (Airport) (all operated by VR Sverige, but transferred to AB Stockholms Spårvägar in August 2024). T-Centralen – Waldemarsudde is a normal public SL traffic using modern trams. Norrmalmstorg – Waldemarsudde is in operation using museum trams; both modern and museum trams as well as Lidingöbanan: Ropsten-Gåshaga are operated by AB Stockholms Spårvägar. Museispårvägen Malmköping is a tramway museum near Eskilstuna with a 2.6km operating line (also Spårvägssällskapet).

Details of these Tram systems with maps and track diagrams appear in Robert Schwandl's "Tram Atlas Nordeuropa"; ISBN 978-3-936573-63-3, 2021.

Track plans for the Göteborg, Lund, Norrköping and Stockholm tram systems are available on the Gleisplanweb site.

There is a basic route diagram for the Lund line at the Urbanrail.net site.

See also Sweden - Tram services over obscure routes

Recent and future changes


  • Söderhamn - Kilafors (regularly used by the SJ Göteborg - Sundsvall - Duved/Umeå and v v night trains only). These night trains are rerouted from 10 Deccmber 2023. See openings.
  • Hällnäs - Lycksele has closed for passenger traffic. The last train operated 9 December 2022. It will not reopen until the line is electrified. No funding is currently allocated to such a project, nor is any detail planning known. The sole DMU (Y31 1429) is badly needed elsewhere, all DMU operated lines in Sweden have reliability problems and too much replacement bus operation.

Openings and reopenings

  • The SL Saltsjöbana has been closed for infrastructure work the entire 2023 (partial double tracking, bridge replacement, roadworks etc.). The plan (as known June 2024), is to reopen Fisksätra-Saltsjöbaden, Igelboda-Solsidan and Fisksätra-Saltsjö Järla at the end of 2024, Saltsjö Järla-Henriksdal at a so far unknown date and Henriksdal-Slussen probably 2027.
  • SJ night trains Göteborg - Sundsvall - Duved/Umeå and v v are rerouted between Storvik and Söderhamn from 10 December 2023, to use [Storvik - ] Hagaström - Gävle yard (using the West to North Gävle C avoiding chord - for staff change) - Strömsbro [ - Söderhamn]. This chord has not regularly been used for passenger trains before.
  • The double-tracking Ängelholm-Maria opened 2 December 2023.
  • The two first new tracks [Malmö - ] Arlöv - Klostergården [ - Lund] opened 2 October 2023, all four opened 8 October 2023.
  • Teckomatorp - Åstorp reopened for regular passenger services 12 December 2021.
  • A short branch of the SL Tvärbana tramway to Bromma Airport, line 31, should have opened 13 December 2020, but the tramway causes interference with the (outdated) radio system of the airport when temperatures are below +4 Deg C. However, this section opened 16 May 2021. The contact wire has on the critical section been replaced by a rail in the air which can be electrically heated.
  • On 1 April 2021 passenger services resumed between Boden and Haparanda, now routed via the new electrified line from Kalix to Haparanda. Morjärv - Kalix - Haparanda has never before had regular passenger service.
  • The new 5.5 km Lund tramway opened on 13 December 2020.

Contract changes

  • The Norrtåg system will 14/15 December 2025 be transferred from Vy Tåg AB to VR Sverige AB on an 10 year contract.
  • Östgötapendeln (Norrköping - Linköping - Mjölby - Motala/Tranås) will be transferred from VR Sverige AB to Transdev. The contract starts 1 June 2025, and lasts for 8 years, with a possible extension up to 4 more years.
  • X-tåget (Gävle - Ljusdal and Gävle - Sundsvall) will be transferred from Vy Tåg AB to VR Sverige AB on a new contract, which starts in June 2025 and lasts until December 2036 (!).
  • The contract for SL Stockholm Tunnelbana (Metro/Underground) has been awarded to Connecting Stockholm AB for 11 years starting May 2025 with no option to prolong. Pincipal owners of this - Swedish - company are Go-Ahead and ComfortDelgro. For more information, follow the link.
  • The operation of the Night trains Stockholm - Luleå and Stockholm - Narvik will be transferred back to SJ from Vy Tåg AB on an "emergency contract" for one year with a one year extension possible, starting 15 December 2024, and using a method called "open books".
  • The SL Nockebybana, Saltsjöbana and Tvärbana will be transferred from VR Sverige to AB Stockholms Spårvägar in August 2024. The contract is for 10 years.
  • The Mälardalstrafik system (Mälartåg) was transferred from MTR to Transdev on an "emergency contract" 16 June 2024. The contract is for two years.
  • Finnish VR has purchased MTR Express (Sweden) AB (MTRX). The transaction received approval from the Swedish competition authority 30 May 2024. After the summer the trains will be repainted from red to green and white.
  • The SL Pendeltåg (commuter trains) was transferred from MTR to SJ on an "emergency contract" 3 March 2024. The contract is for two years with a possible extension for a maximum of two more years.
  • Tåg i Bergslagen (TiB) was transferred from SJ to VR Sverige 10 December 2023.
  • The Öresund trains were transferred back from SJ Öresund to Transdev on a temporary contract in December 2022.
  • Upptåget (UL stopping services Uppsala - Gävle and Uppsala - Sala) were absorbed into Mälartåg from 12 June 2022.
  • The SL Roslagsbana was transferred from Arriva to Transdev 13 April 2022.
  • Krösatågen (the Lingonberry trains) were transferred from Vy Tåg AB to SJ Krösa in December 2021. At the same time Kustpilen (the coastal arrow, Linköping - Kalmar and Linköping - Västervik) were included in Krösatågen and the name Kustpilen is no longer used.
  • The regional trains in the Mälartåg area were transferred from SJ to MTR in December 2021: Stockholm - Eskilstuna - Örebro, Stockholm - Katrineholm - Hallsberg, Stockholm - Nyköping - Norrköping and Sala - Västerås - Eskilstuna - Linköping.

Infrastructure changes

  • Work is in progress to double several single track sections:
    • The double-tracking of Hallsberg - Mjölby is progressing, albeit slowly. The last section, Hallsberg - Degerön, is split into six subsections. Three are complete and two currently in the construction phase. Work on the last subsection is planned to start in 2023. Completion of the entire project is currently estimated to be 2031.
    • The double-tracking between Varberg and Hamra including a tunnel and new sub-surface platforms in Varberg is planned for completion December 2024.
  • TR Europe reported in July 2021 that quadrupling of the 20km Tomteboda to Kallhäll section of the Stockholm - Västerås - Örebro railway has commenced. This includes a 1.4km tunnel under Sundbyberg. No date has currently been announced for final completion.

Special Notes

Internet access in the Railway environment

Anyone with a Visa or Mastercard credit card, and a smartphone or a laptop with internet access, should be able to buy a ticket. Persons with phones from operators based in the EU or EEA can use mobile internet on the same conditions as in their home country. Persons from other countries should check the charges for using mobile Internet in Sweden.

Access in or near stations

Jernhusen, the state-owned railway property company provides free wi-fi (SSID=All Station Guests) at about 30 of the larger stations. To access this see Hitta din station (=Find your station). Scroll down to a map with orange circles to the left and the text “Alla stationer” (=all stations) to the right. Click on “Välj en station” (=select a station). A drop-down list will be displayed. Select the required station and scroll down to find the text “På stationen” (=at the station). If there is a box with the text “wifi”, there is wi-fi at the station.
There is also separate wi-fi provision in or very close to all Pressbyrån shops. If no signs are visible, ask at the shop for the network name (SSID). Outside many stations, at least in towns, wi-fi can often be found in coffee-shops or hamburger restaurants. It may also be provided in some libraries and public buildings such as town halls. For all wi-fi, the use of a VPN is, as always, strongly recommended, for both smartphones and laptops.

Access onboard trains

All Internet access is dependent on the mobile network, even if units have amplifiers. Access quality and speed vary a lot, and the signal or capacity can be insufficient in tunnels or in rural areas, in particular if there are many Internet users on the train.

Commercial Operators

SJ - There is free wi-fi on SJ Snabbtåg (X2000 and SJ3000), SJ double-decker (class X40) and carriages in the loco-hauled trains. Installation in the latter is still in progress, so check for the wi-fi symbol in the sj.se journey planner or SJ app response. The quality of the wi-fi is not as good in the hauled carriages as in the units. In the loco-hauled trains, there is a wi-fi router in each carriage so, if it doesn’t work in one carriage, try moving to another. The wi-fi name (SSID) is normally the carriage’s internal four-digit vehicle number: e.g., in carriage type B7 #5201 the SSID is 5201. The number is normally shown on the inside of the doors leading to the other carriages; if not, ask the guard.
Inlandståget (Inlandsbanan) - No wi-fi.
MTRX/VR - Free wi-fi is included.
Snälltåget - Free wi-fi is included if it is installed, at least within Sweden. For more detailed information, see: Snälltåget website.
TÅGAB - No wi-fi.
Vy SE Trains - Free wi-fi is included if it is installed. Sleepers and first class are given priority for installation.

Joint ventures non-commercial operators / Regional Transport Authorities (RTA):

All RTA trains have wi-fi, with these exceptions.
Krösatåg - No wi-fi on the main part of the network. However, trains within the Kalmar county (maintained at Kalmar depot) have wi-fi. It has been observed here, that while the wi-fi worked when there was signal, it stopped once the VPN software was turned on. Of course this may not apply to all different VPN software and all possible onboard equipment.
Norrtåg - Wi-fi on longer lines only. Since there are almost no short distances in this part of Sweden, ask the guard before testing.
Stockholm area (SL) - No wi-fi. But there are mobile network amplifiers in the Metro. This is also the least rural part of the country, and normal mobile phones should work almost anywhere.
Västtåg - No wi-fi on the main part of the network. However, EMU trainsets normally allocated to operating Göteborg - Karlstad (class X52E) have wi-fi. This is a cooperation with SJ and Värmlandstrafik.

Miscellaneous notes

Sweden pioneered the split in railway management between infrastructure ownership and train operation. Trafikverket is subsidised by the government so that it can provide train paths at a cost comparable with access to the road system.

Swedish passenger carriages are larger than UIC standard vehicles and, apart from workings into Norway, are not permitted to carry passengers outside Sweden. Passenger-carrying access to København was only available by train ferry as there are no Swedish carriages – apart from the joint Öresund fleet – which are allowed to have passengers on board when using the Öresund bridge/ tunnel. Rebuilt SJ X2000 (Snabbtåg)-sets operate Stockholm – København and Göteborg – København (the latter in summer only). The night trains between Sweden and Germany use carriages built to continental standards.

On some local lines trains call at stations by request. Bus-style push buttons are provided in many diesel railcars, to request the train to stop. Passengers wishing to join a train at an unstaffed, request halt need to operate a hand-worked disc signal on the station platform.

There is a bulletin board, Postvagnen, for questions also in English, via www.sjk.se. It can also be accessed using www.postvagnen.com. Everyone can read. To post messages it is necessary to register first. Members of the Swedish Railway Society (SJK) are free from advertisments and tracking. Others can request a user-id, and after manual identity verification be given access to write, but can see advertisements and/or be tracked by advertisement networks,

See also